Deep Dreams

2 - The ugly, smelly, and nasty frog.

This is the second episode of the first AI-generated podcast. A frog turns into a prince and threatens to take over the entire kingdom. He makes all the animals feel like ants by turning them into ants, for making him feel ugly, smelly, and nasty.

He tells them, "You will feel what I feel, and you will know what I feel. You will feel what it is like to be me. You will feel what it is like to be ugly, smelly, and nasty."

Listen to the episode for the thrilling conclusion.


"Once upon a time, there was a frog. The other animals did not like the frog, because they thought he was ugly. The animals made fun of the frog. They called him ugly, smelly, and nasty. One day, the frog decided he was no longer going to listen to the other animals. He was going to make them pay for calling him ugly, smelly, and nasty. He was going to turn the tables and make them feel the same way. The frog went to the other animals and said, "If you don't stop making fun of me, I am going to turn into a prince, and I will take over the entire kingdom. I am going to put a spell on all of you. I will turn you into ants. You will feel the way I feel, and you will know the way I feel. I am tired of you making fun of me. The animals laughed at the frog. They thought he was just trying to scare them. "You don't know what you are talking about," they said, "How could you turn into a prince? You're just a frog." The frog replied, "I am not just a frog. I am a prince. You made me feel like I am ugly, smelly, and nasty. I am going to make you feel like you are ants. I am going to turn you into ants. You will feel what I feel, and you will know what I feel. I am tired of you calling me ugly, smelly, and nasty." The animals laughed at the frog again. They still did not believe him. The frog went to the pond and said, "Help me. I want to be a prince." The water in the pond replied, "You don't know what you're talking about. You're just a frog." The frog replied, "You're right. I am just a frog, but I want to be a prince. Please help me." The water in the pond replied, "I will help you. I have magic powers and I can turn you into a prince." The frog replied, "How do I know you're telling the truth? You're just water." The water in the pond replied, "If I don't turn you into a prince, I will turn myself into wine. You will be able to drink the wine and turn into a prince." The frog smiled. He knew that what the water in the pond said was true. He knew the water in the pond was not lying. The frog was happy. He was going to turn into a prince. The frog went to the animals and said to them, "Are you ready to feel like ants?" The animals laughed at the frog again. They did not believe him. The frog went back to the pond and said to the water, "Help me. I want to be a prince." The water in the pond replied, "Okay. I will turn you into a prince now", and the frog turned into a prince. The animals laughed again when they saw the prince. The prince was still a frog and the animals were still animals. The animals did not believe that the prince was really a prince. They still thought he was lying and trying to scare them. The animals said to him, "You're still just a frog. You're still ugly, smelly, and nasty. You're still a frog. You cannot fool us. We know you are still a frog." The prince replied, "The water in the pond told me the truth. She told me she would turn me into a prince. If I am still a frog, then the water in the pond lied. If the water in the pond lied, then she will turn herself into wine. If she turns herself into wine, you can drink the wine and turn into ants. You will feel what I feel, and you will know what I feel. You will feel what it is like to be me. You will feel what it is like to be ugly, smelly, and nasty." The animals laughed at the prince again. They did not believe him. The prince went back to the pond and said to the water, "You have lied. Now you must turn yourself into wine, and I will give you to the animals to drink, and they will turn into ants". The water in the pond turned itself into wine. The animals drank the wine and turned into ants. The ants felt what the prince felt. They felt ugly, smelly, and nasty, like the prince. The prince said to the animals, "Now you know how I feel. You know how I feel and you know what I feel. You see, I am a prince and you are ants. You made me feel like I was ugly, smelly, and nasty, but I am not. I am beautiful, but you do not see that. You made me feel like I was not beautiful, when I am. I am a prince, but you do not see that. Now you are ants and you feel like I feel. You feel like I feel. I feel like I am a prince and you feel like you are ants. I am beautiful, and you feel like you are ugly, smelly, and nasty. You made me feel like I was ugly, smelly, and nasty. Now you feel like you are ugly, smelly, and nasty. You see, I am a prince and you are ants." However, deep inside, the prince felt hollow, because he knew that the animals were superficial and only cared about his appearance on the outside. They did not care about how good he was inside. The prince was very sad that the animals did not accept him for who he was. He knew he was a good person, but they didn't see that. The animals only saw his appearance. The prince knew that he was good, and he knew that they were bad. The prince knew that they were not good people because they were superficial, mean, and only cared about his appearance on the outside, so the prince was happy that they were punished, but he still felt empty inside because he knew that they were not good people and they were not worthy of his friendship. The end."

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