Deep Dreams

12 - Mausli, the bossy terrier.

This episode's teaser: "I hate everybody else now because no one will ever forgive me and nobody wants me anymore either so goodbye forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever goodbye goodbye everyone goodbye everyone I hate everbody goodbye everyone farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell everyone goodbye everyone hello everyone byebye byebye byebye byebye goodbye byebye byebye byebye argh leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you byebye byebye byebye goodbye byebye... The End."


Once upon a time, a small terrier called Mausli lived with her owner, Jean-Michel. She had short brown hair and big brown eyes. There were three other dogs and two cats in the house.

They were called Bella, Stella and Thor, who were all female dogs; and Blondin and Bambino, who were both male cats. One day, Mausli, Bella, Stella and Thor decided they would go for a walk in the mountains near Jean-Michel’s house. "First we will go to the mountain top so that we can see everything clearly. Then we will go down to the river,” said Mausli. "No, we will just go down and down to the bottom of the mountain,” said Bella. "I don’t know where I’ll end up, but I am going up there,” said Stella. "You are all talking nonsense. We are going down to the river,” said Mausli firmly. Before going out of the door, Mausli told Blondin and Bambino that she was going away for a few hours and asked them to keep an eye on everything in the house. Outside it was a sunny day; the birds were singing and the flowers were in bloom. They first passed through Jean-Michel’s garden where there were many flowers: roses, irises and tulips; lovely colours everywhere!

Then Bella saw an ant on a flower, so she started teasing it in a friendly way: "Let’s see if you can go here... or here... or here... or here... ” said Bella playfully to the ant until she made it fall into the fountain! The ant was very angry and Bella thought this was very funny but Stella was not happy at all: "Bella! I have told you before not to tease animals!” she said angrily. "Oh don’t be angry with me! I am sorry!” said Bella happily; she jumped right into the fountain to say sorry to the ant. The ant did not accept her apologies and just got even angrier: "You wet animal! You dirty animal! Why did you jump into my water? You are stupid animal! You are strange animal! I will never forgive you! Never! Never! Never!” Unfortunately for Bella, this ant was very proud of his behaviour; he was always rude towards other animals because he thought he was better than them because he had lived there for so long! The ants lived in this place for 2 years before moving on to another part of France for 3 years until they came back to settle there permanently 4 years ago. They liked living there because it was quiet and peaceful; there was no traffic noise or pollution in their little world; they could live as they pleased without any disturbance from anyone else! All the animals were very shocked when they heard this angry reaction from this tiny little ant: "We need to apologize now because we hate when people are rude towards us or tease us when we have done nothing wrong. We have to apologize when we make mistakes but those ants have been living in that place for 2 years so they should know how easy it is just to apologize when they make mistakes like that... we have learned that if we do not fight with pride against each other then we will not fight at all... it is always best to be kind to each other instead of being proud – it is better for everyone if everyone is happy that way... we need to respect animals inside us as well as outside us... it is important not to judge someone else because we all make mistakes sometimes... they need to control their behaviour or their emotions; otherwise they will behave badly towards everyone else because they think their pride has gone far enough!" That is what Mausli told her friends after listening carefully to the conversation between Bella and Stella about this incident with the ant... Mausli knew what she had just said would make sense because she had learned a lot from knowing Jean-Michel who always treated her well; he never criticized her or teased her because of her mistakes so she always tried her best not to do anything wrong either because she admired him very much and respected him too much...

After listening carefully to Mausli’s wise words, Bella felt very ashamed of herself because she realized now that it was her own fault that this little ant had reacted angrily towards them like that so she felt really sorry about it: "Oh dear – I am truly sorry – please forgive me – I won’t do it again – please forgive me – please forgive both of us!” she begged excitedly as she gently licked the little ant on its wing so as to say sorry properly this time so that everyone could see clearly that she understood why it got angry with them earlier on – unfortunately for Bella though, this little ant now pushed her away hard as he shouted: "I will never forgive you ever again do you hear me? This is impossible! Impossible! Impossible! Impossible! You are stupid dog! Stupid dog! Stupid dog! Stupid dog!” Then Bella got upset that no one would ever forgive her ever again so now she told everyone screaming loudly at them whilst crying too: "I hate everybody else now because no one will ever forgive me and nobody wants me anymore either so goodbye forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever goodbye goodbye everyone goodbye everyone I hate everbody goodbye everyone farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell farewell everyone goodbye everyone hello everyone byebye byebye byebye byebye goodbye byebye byebye byebye argh leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you leave me alone all of you byebye byebye byebye goodbye byebye... The End."

Bambino laughed at what had just happened as he told Blondin what had happened but Blondin ran off after hearing a strange noise coming from a bush nearby so Bambino ran off after him laughing happily... the three girls looked at each other dejectedly before walking sadly after them... they were disappointed about what had happened earlier on but at least Bambino saw something funny about it which made Bella feel happier despite feeling upset about how quickly things changed from bad to good and then good again... that is why life goes on like that sometimes; one minute something can be bad and then suddenly something very good can happen which makes everything better again so maybe things could change again soon? Meanwhile though, Mausli shook her head slowly before saying quietly: "Humans sometimes do silly things like this when they are excited yes, for example when a new cat lives with them for the first time, stupid people say silly things yes, like: we are going to get a new cat, life is going to change now yes, because I am a long haired cat with a special look so everyone else will be jealous of me yes, because I am special and will create a big fuss that everyone else will hear yes, so they all feel upset that they didn't think of getting a new cat first yes, so they all feel angry at me because I have created such a fuss and they feel jealous that I got the new cat instead of them. So now life will not be the same anymore because I have created a big fuss and everyone is all worked up about me, stupid humans. Then the stupid human who found me feels really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really happy about having me which makes him even more stupid and he tells everyone how lucky he is that he has met me and how he can't believe his luck. So now everybody will be jealous that stupid Harry got to keep me instead of them.”

Bella understood what Mausli meant and she too felt that life could change sometimes in a flash which made her feel better as now it seemed like they were back on track again... good things were happening again instead of bad things which made Bella feel better. Meanwhile Bella was thinking about how she had been feeling earlier... it was very scary for her when she was on her own but luckily she had Mausli with her who always looked after her; if Mausli wasn't there then Bella would be alone in the world and if you were alone then everything could happen to you which made her feel scared. However Bambino was always there for her too but he always looked after himself and only cared about himself so sometimes she was scared too but that was when she remembered how nice it was to have him around because without him she would never have met Mausli who made her feel much safer since Mausli had been there for her ever since they first met. This made Blondin smile secretly at his two friends and think: 'I love my friends very much and we will always stay strong together...'

Meanwhile the three girls had continued walking behind the boys but nothing else happened so they just went on walking while quietly chatting to each other as they kept walking... it was actually quite nice to have quietness in their lives even though they would have liked something else to happen too which was why they were all looking out for something interesting to happen to them too. Suddenly then, Bambino noticed something interesting happening on the ground in front of him and started jumping up towards it... it wasn't very high but just about high enough for Bambino so he jumped up onto it but fell over. Blondin rushed up to him to make sure he was ok but instead he fell over too so Bella ran up quickly to help Blondin but then she also tripped over... this made them all laugh because it was funny how they were tripping over themselves like that! Then Blondin moved away from Bambino after making sure he wasn't hurt before telling them all: "I don't know what it is that made us trip over ourselves like this but whatever it is I hope we find out soon!" This made everyone laugh again because Blondin said exactly what they were all thinking!

Then Bambino told them all: "I think we should not make fun or talk about what has happened anymore because I think we have already laughed enough today so now we must be quiet and maybe then we will find out what we should do." This made Blondin nod his head before saying: "Yes you are right Bambino; let's just be quiet now shall we?" The three girls nodded their heads too before agreeing with their friends which made everyone feel better because at least it had stopped raining now! Then suddenly Blondin noticed something very interesting so he rushed off towards it while calling out: "Girls look what I have found!" This made the others rush off after Blondin to see what he had found as Bambino wondered what could have happened which made him be careful in case something tricky would try to stop him from finding out... this was because he was scared that something might go wrong again! Meanwhile Angelica stood up tall and strong before saying: "Let me lead the way girls!" This made Alice grin at Gracie then Bella as Angelica walked past them with Grace not far behind her... this made Alice laugh quietly because if Angelica hadn't been leading then Grace would never have followed behind Angelica anywhere! The three girls followed after the boys quietly as everybody found themselves being interested by what might lay ahead which made them excited but nervous at the same time since they did not know what could be out there? However, their curiosity soon led them into another adventure...

The End

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