Deep Dreams

7 - Amelia, Sarah, and watermelons.

Rule #1: Tricks are usually more fun than tricks.

Rule #2: It’s okay to be a little mean, if it’s to save someone little.

Rule #3: Even if you do not necessarily want to be a Prime Minister when you grow up, it’s nice to be a Prime Minister at least once.

Thank you for read. / 加油!


Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived with her mother somewhere in Asia. They were poor and her mother often had to go away and leave her alone for days and nights. One day, a witch happened by their town and saw the girl playing with another little girl. The witch felt bad.

“Hello-o little girl,” said the witch, in a sweet and sweet voice.

The girl went up to the witch and said, “Hi! My name is Amelia. I’m eight. What’s your name?”

“I am Sarah and I’m 22,” said the witch. “Are you a very good girl, Amelia?”

“Not very,” said the little girl. She was thinking and thinking how to kill the witch that moment.

“Oh, that’s so sad,” said the witch, a fake sad look on her face. “But maybe you don’t need to be a good girl until you grow up.”

That made the little girl laugh: a witch that wants to convince little girls to be double nice to their mothers. “Stop it, you witch,” the girl said softly. Sometimes girls cannot win, she thought.

“I can make all your problems go away,” said the witch in a sweet and sultry voice, “All you need to do is let me grab your hair.”

The little girl stood up from her sitting place and glanced at the little girl with brown hair that was standing next to her. “You got it the wrong way,” said the little brown-haired girl. “Our hair is staying.”

“I don’t want a job,” said the little girl. “I want to know if you like watermelons, Sarah.”

“Yes,” said the witch. “I love watermelons. They are so sassy.”

“Wait until I step closer to you,” whispered the little girl to the little brown-haired girl. “Now.”

The little girl kicked the witch in the face while the little brown-haired girl grabbed a metal pole and tapped the witch over and over, her other hand holding the little girl by the hair.

“Let’s go home, Amelia.” Said the little brown-haired girl.

She was right. They did not need the witch anymore, but the little girl figured the witch might want a job. “Let’s bring Sarah to the witch,” said the little girl.

“Good idea.” The little brown-haired girl said.

They carried the witch to the witch’s home and said, “The Prime Minister of Everything tells you to take the job.” They shut the door and started watching TV. Then the witch said, “This is the worst day of my life. I will take the job tomorrow.”

The little brown-haired girl has this magical ability to make little girls stop crying, right. The little brown-haired girl grabbed some popcorn, made her way to sit between the two little girls, and said, “Stand up, Amelia. I know how to make everything better.” Then she showed the little brown-ponytail-bangs-having-and-sporting-clothes-amidst-fashionable-Asia-type girls how to jump on the couch in their living room. That is how she said it.

“Now we jump,” said the little brown-haired girl. “We jump in our pajamas and we jump for fun and we do not stop jumping until everything is better.”

So the little girls jumped for good and jumped for bad and jumped for good again. They did not stop jumping until the little brown-haired girl saw the little eyes of Amelia’s mother open and hear her say, “Okay, I’m awake now.”

Well now Amelia has a job. And she is the Prime Minister of Everything. She would not need to be a good girl until she grows up but she is a good girl anyway because she wants to go to Harvard.

Well, that’s the story.

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